Psychiatry GME Clinical Rotations
- 4 blocks primary care
- 6 blocks inpatient psychiatry
- 1 block night float
- 1 block outpatient neurology
- 1 block inpatient neurology
- 2 blocks consult-liaison
- 2 blocks geriatric psychiatry
- 2 blocks child and adolescent psychiatry
- 2 blocks inpatient forensic psychiatry
- 2 blocks emergency psychiatry
- 1 block addiction psychiatry
- 2 blocks night float
- 13 blocks outpatient psychiatry
- 3 blocks administrative/clinical chief
- 10 blocks elective
* one block = 4 weeks
* residents rotate at the Daybreak drop in center during PGY 1-4
* residents have the option of fast track to a CAP fellowship if requirements are met