Community Outreach

Piedmont Columbus Regional assumes a vital role in making health and medical services available to every area resident, regardless of their ability to pay. Two significant programs reaching traditionally underserved populations are Piedmont Columbus Regional's Mobile Unit and SOURCE (Serving Options Using Resources in Community Environment).

Our relationships with Goodwill Industries, an active seniors program, Partners in Education, a partnership with the City of Columbus, plus numerous classes and events help keep the community knowledgeable about the latest developments in healthcare, promote wellness and prevention, and encourage individuals to make better decisions about their health.

Piedmont Columbus Regional Mobile Unit

The Piedmont Columbus Regional Mobile Unit busAs part of Piedmont Columbus Regional’s commitment to improve the health of our community, the Mobile Unit offers services and health education programs to respond to needs and improve the health of the Chattahoochee Valley area. The 40-foot vehicle, which serves as a mobile clinic, consists of a waiting area, well-equipped exam rooms and a lab. The Mobile Unit team consists of an RN (Mobile Unit Coordinator), a social worker, physicians and a pharmacist.

Through health screenings, health and wellness education and resources, the unit is able to help identify and target health risks. Early detection of potential and existing medical conditions allows for more effective treatment and supports overall health.

The unit serves a multitude of organizations (i.e. health departments, civic organizations, school systems and churches). Most recently, 17-year-old Jhacori Stacy was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes due to a health screening hosted by the Unit. The Mobile Unit visited Stacy’s community and provided it with an opportunity to receive quality healthcare, potentially saving Jhacori’s life by referring him to resources that diagnosed him as a diabetic.

The unit provides an opportunity for those it serves to take preventive measures, ensuring their health and well-being. These types of life-changing diagnoses are made possible because of the Mobile Unit’s work in the community.

For more information about the Mobile Unit, contact Deborah Stewart, RN at 706-494-4039.

Piedmont Futures Program

Piedmont Columbus Regional’s Community Outreach department is partnering with Muscogee County Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) to create the Piedmont Futures program that offers high school students an opportunity to pursue a job in the healthcare field. This workforce development initiative hopes to encourage students to advance their careers within the healthcare arena.

Muscogee County School District students have the opportunity to pursue an entry-level job or continue their studies in college upon graduation. Students undergo an application process that includes a job interview. Departments within the hospital that students have received placement included Administration, Environmental Services, Imaging Services, Laboratory, Nursing, Nutrition Services, Pharmacy, Radiology, Respiratory Services, Therapy Services, Surgical Services and Visitor Relations.

SOURCE Community Outreach Program

The Piedmont Columbus Regional SOURCE community outreach program has been a source of reassurance in the area for older and disabled citizens since 2001. SOURCE provides in-home health and medical services for the aged and disabled on Medicaid and helps them remain in their homes for as long as possible, avoiding or delaying costly long-term placement in nursing facilities.

The Piedmont Columbus Regional SOURCE program serves Muscogee, Marion, Talbot, Harris and Chattahoochee counties. SOURCE stands for Service Options Using Resources in Community Environments.

The goals of the program are:

  • To reduce the need for long-term placement while increasing options in the community
  • To eliminate fragmented care and enhance wellness
  • To encourage cost-effective use of state Medicaid resources

Who’s eligible? Individuals aged 65 and older or disabled citizens eligible for Medicaid through Supplemental Security Income or Public Law programs.

For more information about SOURCE, call 706-571-1946. We're located at 1900 10th Ave., Columbus, GA 31901.

Raising Awareness of Metabolic Syndrome

Piedmont Columbus Regional has partnered with the Columbus Consolidated Government’s Office of the Mayor, which created a health task force, to educate the community on Metabolic Syndrome and how to prevent it through chronic condition management.

What is it?

Metabolic Syndrome is a clustering of five cardiovascular risk factors:

  • Obesity (particularly abdominal obesity (40+ inches in men; 35+ inches in women)
  • High Triglycerides
  • Low High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) “good” Cholesterol levels
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Impaired Fasting Glucose or diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Having three or more risk factors mentioned above would lead to a Metabolic Syndrome diagnosis. Using medication to treat any risk factors would also count as having that risk factor.

Why is it important?

Metabolic Syndrome increases the risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, as well as vascular and neurological complications like stroke. A large waistline alone predisposes individuals to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and decreased bone density.


What can you do?

Talk to your medical provider about Metabolic Syndrome. They may suggest a more balanced diet, increased physical activity, a balanced sleep schedule, and joining an education/prevention program for chronic conditions.


Partners in Education

Piedmont Columbus Regional is proud to be an award-winning partner at-large in the Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce’s Partners in Education program.

Piedmont Columbus team members support a variety of activities during the school year such as participating in career day and reading to classrooms.

Students from schools perform at various Piedmont Columbus Regional activities, such as the annual NICU celebration at Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown.


Community Health Response Plans

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