
Spiritual Care at Piedmont Augusta

Professional chaplains are responsible for providing spiritual and emotional support for patients, families, and hospital staff. Whether a person has a deep-seated faith, a questioning faith, or no faith, chaplains are clinically trained to provide care and support, to be the person who can pull up a chair and stay. Chaplains are members of an interdisciplinary team, assessing patients’ needs and shaping specific interventions to lower spiritual distress and increase resilience, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

Our services include:

  • Prayer
  • Spiritual literature or sacred texts
  • Contact and coordinate outreach to an individual’s particular clergy or place of worship when requested
  • Religious rituals or sacraments
  • Family support and participation at family-physician conferences
  • Help in interpreting patients' cultural and spiritual needs to staff
  • Ethics consultations
  • Support for end-of-life issues
  • Advance Directives and advance care planning

Chaplains are available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Monday through Friday, there is a chaplain in the hospital from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. On nights and weekends, chaplains are available for crisis situations.

The Spiritual Care Services office is located on the second floor of Piedmont Augusta, across from the Surgical Care Center Waiting Area. The main department number is 706-774-5811, the preferred number for general referrals. Please call the hospital operator at 706-722-9011 for time-sensitive situations or requests and ask for the on-call chaplain. For more immediate needs, ask a nurse or other members of the interdisciplinary team to contact a Chaplain for you.


An interfaith chapel is available on the first floor of the hospital at the back of the lobby past the Food Court. It is open for prayer, meditation and silent reflection 24/7. Cards are available for leaving prayers and prayer requests.

The Serenity Garden

The Serenity Garden is located between the main entrance of Piedmont Augusta Hospital and the Outpatient Center Lab entrance. The garden, contained by an elegant black wrought iron fence, features a brick walkway, fountain and seasonal foliage. The garden was designed to offer a peaceful, tranquil environment of respite for patients, family members, visitors and team members.

Serenity Garden Brick Order


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