Exercise is Medicine Testimonials
Irene Carpenter
Referred for Heart Failure

"My symptoms have improved dramatically. My blood pressure is down, BMI is down, body fat is down, and I’ve lost 24 pounds. I can walk a mile on the treadmill in less than 20 minutes, whereas in January I could only walk slowly for a total of 5 minutes before needing to stop. My strength, balance and flexibility measurements have increased dramatically and I rarely need to use my cane to walk anymore. My sleep patterns are much better and my cpap has been lowered accordingly. My emotional well-being is much-improved and I am enjoying activities with family and friends again."
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Jim Griffin
Referred for Parkinson's

"My medication has been reduced and a revised exercise program developed to further my defense against the disease. I am not free of the disease and some symptoms, but overall, I am confident that my progress is good and seems to serve very well for the intermediate future."
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Linda Black
Referred for Hypertension

"As soon as I took control of my diet and reduced my sugar intake, I started seeing improvements. Because of the great support of the fitness team at Piedmont, I was able to discontinue one of my blood pressure medications and reach my fitness goal!"
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Robert Parker
Referred for Diabetes and Arthritis

"My diabetes has become more manageable and my HbA1C level has decreased from 9.5 to 5.6. My total cholesterol went down to 125 from 250. Also, I do not receive as much pain from my arthritis and tendonitis."
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