Exercise is Medicine Testimonials
Robert Parker
Referred for Diabetes and Arthritis

My doctor had encouraged me to exercise on a regular basis and to incorporate more healthy eating habits in an effort to lose weight; however, I did not get serious about it until my diabetes diagnosis. I started attending the EIM program at Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center and began working out with the assistance of an exercise physiologist.
The process, at first, was difficult for me, as I was limited at what I could do in terms of exercise; however, the exercise physiologist encouraged me to do my best and developed an exercise program that was individually tailored to me. I really started to enjoy working out. I began feeling better physically, and my overall health conditions started to improve through maintaining a consistent workout routine and diet.
I went from never working out to consistently exercising five days a week at minimum. Since then, I have lost weight, decreased fat, improved muscle mass, and increased my strength, as well as endurance. My diabetes has become more manageable and my HbA1C level has decreased from 9.5 to 5.6. My total cholesterol went down to 125 from 250. Also, I do not receive as much pain from my arthritis and tendonitis. Not only have I seen improvements with my medical conditions, but I have benefitted by becoming more physically fit, which has helped me to become a happier person. I would highly recommend the EIM program at PAFC to anyone that is looking to make improvements in their health and life.
Learn more information about Exercise is Medicine at Piedmont Healthcare.