Piedmont Athens Maternity Classes
Baby Classes
Baby Care Basics
Baby Care Basics class covers what to expect with a newborn in the hospital and the early days at home. In class, parents learn about the admission process, newborn behaviors, newborn feeding patterns, and when to call the doctor. This is a hands-on class with demonstrations and time to practice, techniques in diapering, bathing, swaddling, and soothing.
Attend at Piedmont Athens
Baby CPR & Choking Rescue - Athens
This class covers Baby CPR and conscious and unconscious choking for infants (up to age one).
Attend at Piedmont Athens
Breastfeeding Classes
Breastfeeding Basics - Athens
This is a prenatal breastfeeding class that is designed to help mothers get off to a good start. The instructor discusses ways to establish a good milk supply, prevention and early management of common feeding challenges, and how to tell if baby is getting enough to eat. Hands-on positioning techniques are reviewed and practiced.
Attend at Piedmont Athens
Breastfeeding Support Group - Athens
Breastfeeding Support Group is led by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Bring baby and get support with latch positioning, maintaining milk supply, troubleshooting, and pumping. In group, we discuss the challenges and successes of the breastfeeding journey. There is no charge for this group, but registration is needed to reserve a spot.
Attend at Piedmont Athens
Individual Breastfeeding Support Appointment
Individual Breastfeeding Support Appointment is a 1 hour one-on-one appointment with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). The goal is to assist individual with a breastfeeding session, work on latch technique, weigh baby before and after to determine a milk transfer total, troubleshoot concerns, and come up with a plan moving forward.
Attend at Piedmont Athens
Childbirth Classes
Childbirth 101
This class covers education on preparation for labor and birth. Topics include labor stages, when to go to the hospital, comfort measures, interventions, medications, epidurals, inductions, and cesarean section delivery. Participants will receive a class booklet that includes access to exclusive content and videos.
Attend at Piedmont Athens
Other Offerings
NICU Peer Support Group: Beyond the Beeps
Beyond the Beeps is a virtual parent and caregiver support group. This group allows parents to meet and discuss challenges of having a baby in the NICU or a baby at home that is medically fragile. This group is led by parent mentors and mental health advocates through Athens Parent Wellbeing. There is no cost to attend.
Attend Virtually
Postpartum Mom and Baby Yoga
This class is designed to introduce gentle movement after childbirth and facilitate postpartum recovery. This class will include physical poses, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practice that will include your baby.
Attend at Piedmont Athens
Super Siblings
Super Sibling class is for children age 2-5 expecting a little sibling. The class uses a fun video program and interactive play to teach kids what to expect when a new baby comes home. Parent(s) attend class with child.
Attend at Piedmont Athens