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Beautiful You Boutique FAQ

What can I expect for my first bra and breast form fitting?

At your first fitting, our certified mastectomy fitter will explain the process thoroughly. The fitting can take up to 1.5 hours to assure you receive the individualized care you deserve. You will be measured and fit in a private fitting room designed with your comfort in mind. The fitting process typically takes place 6-8 weeks after your surgery. The fitter will need to see your surgical site and will inspect it to make sure sutures are out and the scar is fully healed. The majority of the swelling should also be reduced. She will then begin measuring you for your mastectomy bras and breast prosthesis. She will take a couple measurements similar to typical bra fittings. Once she has determined your "expected" bra size, she will have you try on a couple of bras for fit. Different manufacturers fit differently, so it is likely she will have you try on a few different styles/sizes. She will then fit you with a breast form to help restore balance to your body. The breast form will be natural looking and gentle on your skin. If you have had a bilateral mastectomy, she will fit you with two and you will get to decide what size breasts you like best. She will take a couple more measurements to make sure you are well-balanced and symmetrical and will have you try on a robe and your own clothing to ensure you are satisfied with the fit, shape and silhouette.

When should I visit the boutique?

Anytime you’d like! We suggest coming prior to surgery so we can help answer any questions you may have. At this time, we can get you acquainted with the different products available. Additionally, we can help pre-fit you with post-surgical camisoles, which will provide you support after your surgery. These garments have discreet pouches to hold your surgical drains after surgery. We can also pre-fit you with a temporary, light weight foam prosthesis that slips into the camisole which will help restore your silhouette after surgery. Most insurance companies will help to pay a portion or even all of the cost of these garments, so be sure to ask about them.

If you have already had surgery and have not received a post-surgical camisole, visit us. If you are further out in your healing process, you can always visit our office for more permanent breast prosthesis fittings, mastectomy bra fittings, or shaper fittings to help even out your breast silhouettes.

Is it necessary to wear a prosthesis after a mastectomy? What is the purpose?

The breast prosthesis serves more of a purpose than simply improving visual symmetry. It is designed to help to restore balance to your body. After mastectomy, you have lost breast tissue on one or both sides. This loss of tissue may result in your leaning toward the natural side, leading to back and neck pain. The breast prosthesis can help to rebalance your body, thereby resisting the development of spinal curvature, back and neck discomfort, and shoulder drop after surgery. Additionally, the breast prosthesis helps to protect your chest and scars and prevent your bra from shifting or riding up on your torso.

What is the difference between a typical bra and a post-mastectomy bra?

A post-mastectomy bra is a bra designed to be fit with a breast prosthesis. It has pockets in the cups of the bra to securely hold the prosthesis in place and prevent excessive motion and migration. It is made of soft, skin-friendly material designed to reduce irritation on the surgical site. The trim lines of the bra are also slightly different, designed to hug the body more intimately.

What do I need to bring with me to my visit?

  • For a mastectomy fitting, it is important you bring your insurance cards and prescription from your doctor. Also, bring a form-fitting top that doesn’t have a busy pattern on it so you can see the finished silhouette the prosthesis gives you - helping to determine if the product is just right for you.
  • For wig fittings, bring a prescription and your insurance cards with you if you would like to try to get reimbursed through insurance. Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover the cost of a wig, but some private insurance companies do if you have a diagnosis of alopecia or hair loss due to chemotherapy. It is best to be measured for the wig once your hair starts to fall out to get the most intimate fit. We can, however, do a pre-fitting trial to determine styles and colors you like best.
  • For lymphedema garment measurements and fittings, bring your insurance card and prescription so we know exactly what style your physician wants you to have. It is best to try and schedule these appointments in the morning, as you are less likely to have any swelling in the body part we are measuring.

Do I need a prescription every time I get a new breast form and prosthetic bras?

If you would like us to file through your insurance, we must obtain a prescription from your physician.

How long will my breast forms and bras last?

Most silicone breast forms are under warranty from manufacturing defects for 2 years after you receive the prosthesis and they should be able to last and be worn at least this long. Insurance companies will cover a new silicone prosthesis every two years and a new foam prosthesis every 6 months (two if you have had bilateral mastectomies). Most insurance companies recognize the need to receive new mastectomy bras every 6 months, as they do have the tendency to stretch out and wear down. Each insurance plan is different, so we will check your coverage for you.

In some rare instances, insurance companies will pay for a new breast form prior to the 2 year/6 month limitation if the individual loses or gains a significant amount of weight (20 lbs or more). We must have this loss/gain documented in our records. Please do not hesitate to contact us prior to your renewal date if this occurs so we can work with your insurance company.

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