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Piedmont Atlanta Bariatrics

1968 Peachtree Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30309

Piedmont Augusta Bariatrics

818 St. Sebastian Way, Suite 205
Augusta, GA 30901

Piedmont Augusta Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery Center

818 St. Sebastian Way, Suite 200
Augusta, GA 30901
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm

Piedmont Columbus Bariatrics

2737 Warm Springs Road, Suite A
Columbus, GA 31904

Piedmont Eastside Bariatrics

1600 Medical Way, Suite 100
Snellville, GA 30078

Piedmont Fayette Bariatrics (Satellite Clinic)

1265 Highway 54 West, Suite D
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Piedmont Macon North Bariatrics

400 Charter Blvd
Macon, GA 31210

Piedmont Newnan Bariatrics

745 Poplar Road
Newnan, GA 30265

Piedmont Walton Bariatrics

2151 West Spring Street
Monroe, GA 30655

Bariatric Frequently Asked Questions

Is bariatric surgery right for everyone?

Although bariatric surgery is the most effective way to lose weight for persons with significant obesity, you will not have lasting results if you are not committed to diet and exercise changes for the long term. The decision to have surgery is best made with the help of a physician, who will take into account your medical history and long-term commitment.

Will my age be a factor in whether I am a candidate for weight-loss surgery?

Our surgeons typically perform surgery on individuals who are 18 to 70 years of age. However, in some cases, individuals outside this age range may be considered.

How do I get started with a bariatric surgery program?

The first step in our program is to attend a free bariatric surgery seminar. Register for a seminar today. Feel free to contact any of the programs listed on this website.

What is included in the qualifying process?

The qualification process includes a series of tests with your bariatric surgeon. You will also meet with a dietitian, psychologist and other support staff members in sessions leading up to surgery. Each healthcare professional will help you prepare for the changes and challenges that lie ahead.

What can I do to prepare for surgery?
  • Begin learning the benefits and risks of surgery and by closely following your doctor's instructions.
  • Understand the surgical process and what to expect after surgery.
  • Keep in mind that you'll never be able to eat the way you did before and that you'll have to watch what and how you eat for the rest of your life.
  • Talk to your Primary Care Provider.
  • Write down your reasons for bariatric surgery and outline your plans to maintain weight loss after surgery.
  • Start a journal. Record how you feel now, the challenges you face and the things you hope to be able to do after bariatric surgery.
  • Ask your family and friends for their support. Talk to them about why you want to have bariatric surgery. It helps to have people supporting you, wanting to help.
  • Work with my providers to optimize my other health conditions.


After the first appointment, how long is it before the surgery occurs?

The time frame is anywhere from 2 to 6 months; however, it is dependent on your specific condition and insurance requirements.

Does insurance cover the cost of the procedure?

Insurance coverage depends on your individual healthcare policy. Some insurers will cover the surgery if a patient has certain medical conditions, while others may not. Please check with your insurance company to determine the terms of coverage. Piedmont also offers self-pay options for those who would like to pay out of pocket.

How much weight does a patient lose?

Weight loss depends on individual factors such as type of metabolic bariatric procedure, exercise and eating habits; no two patients’ weight loss will be the same.

Can I use tobacco products (cigarettes, vape, chewing tobacco) prior to or after bariatric surgery?

Your surgeon will require you to stop using tobacco products at least six weeks prior to bariatric surgery. To prevent poor wound healing, stomach ulcers, and breathing issues after surgery, we recommend you to continue to avoid tobacco products long-term.

Can a person attempt to become pregnant after weight-loss surgery?

Yes, but women should try to avoid becoming pregnant for at least 18 months following surgery.

How long will I have to stay in the hospital after surgery?

Generally, the hospital stay is one day or less, but varies according to surgery and the patient’s individual needs.

How long will I be off from work after surgery?

You can expect to return to work at least two weeks after surgery. If you have a more physically active job, you may need to stay out of work for closer to four weeks, or inquire if your job offers light duty.

When can I go back to my normal activity level?

Your ability to resume pre-surgery levels of activity depends on your physical condition, the nature of the activity and the type of bariatric surgery you had. Many patients return to normal levels of activity within three to six weeks of surgery.

How much exercise is needed after bariatric surgery?

Exercise is an important part of success after surgery. You may be encouraged to begin exercising, limited only by discomfort, about two weeks after surgery. The type of exercise depends on your overall condition, but the long-term goal is to get 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderately intense physical activity a week (Source: Department of Health and Human Services Activity Guide for Adults).

Do I have to take vitamins after weight-loss surgery?

Yes! A commitment you make when having weight-loss surgery is that you will take vitamins for the rest of your life. You will be eating a significantly less amount of food and may absorb some foods differently. Your vitamin regimen will vary depending on your surgical choice and medical history. Serious health conditions can occur if you do not take your vitamins on a routine basis.

Is there any difficulty in taking medication?

Most pills or capsules are small enough to pass through the new stomach pouch. First, your doctor may suggest that medication be crushed or liquid. As a general rule, speak to the prescribing provider before making medication changes.

Will I have to follow a special diet after surgery?

For the first few months after weight-loss surgery, you are on a special eating plan to allow for adequate healing; however, the ideal long-term plan is to follow a healthier lifestyle rather than a “diet”. You will start with clear liquids, advancing per your program recommendations over a 4-8 week period of time. When you meet with our registered dietitian for your pre-surgical nutrition appointments, you will receive a detailed packet of the meal plan for after surgery.

Is it common to regain weight?

If you are not committed to long-term healthy lifestyle habits, you may experience weight regain. Metabolic surgery is a tool to lose weight; your commitment to healthy eating and exercise play a large role in your long-term success.

Will I need to have plastic surgery after weight-loss surgery?

Deciding to have plastic surgery after weight loss is an individualized decision. Some patients decide to have plastic surgery due to excessive sagging skin or rashes that develop in skin folds. We recommend you not consider plastic surgery until at least 18 months after bariatric surgery. Insurance providers often do not cover many plastic surgery procedures.

What is the long-term follow-up schedule?

Most patients will have 4-5 appointments in the first 6 months after surgery, progressing to just 1-2 appointments annually.

How can I find a support group?

Patients enrolled in a Piedmont program will be given options for support group meetings. Ongoing support before and after surgery helps achieve the greatest success for their patients. Patients help keep each other motivated, celebrate small victories together and provide perspective on the everyday successes and challenges that patients generally experience.

What are the long-term benefits of bariatric surgery?

Studies show that bariatric surgery can effectively improve and resolve many weight-related health conditions.

  • Improvement in or complete resolution of conditions, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea.
  • Extend life span an average of 4.9 years
  • 61.2 percent reduction of excess weight. (Source: Clinical Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery - updated evidence. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, Volume 16, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022, pages 1-9)


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