Board of Directors & Senior Executive Leadership

Piedmont Healthcare, Inc. (PHC) is the parent company of Piedmont Atlanta Hospital and other subsidiary hospitals and corporations. Piedmont Healthcare is governed by a Board of Directors, made up of 19 members, the majority of whom are non-insider (community) directors. The obligation of the PHC Board is to ensure that the resources and capacities of PHC are deployed in a manner that promotes community benefit and better health.

Board of Directors

Craig W. Wright, MD, Chair
Warren B. Steele, Vice Chair
Kevin Brown, President & CEO
Martin Davis
Bonita Dozier, MD
Hugh L. Hamilton
Samuel (Sam) Burney Hay, III

Levi W. Hill, IV
Jim H. Hopkins
Gary T. Jones
Cheryl K. Legette
Moiz V. Master, MD
Teresa Wynn Roseborough
William E. Roundtree, MD

David Sailors, MD
John W. Somerhalder, II
Frederick E. Willms, MD


Hospital Chief Executive Officers

Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown

President and CEO

Patrick Battey, MD
Patrick Battey, MD

CEO, Piedmont Atlanta

J. Michael Burnett
J. Michael Burnett

CEO, Piedmont Athens Regional

Stephen Daugherty
Stephen Daugherty

CEO, Piedmont Macon, Piedmont Macon North

Larry Ebert
Larry Ebert

CEO, Piedmont Eastside Medical Center

Lily Henson, M.D.
Lily Henson, M.D.

CEO, Piedmont Augusta

Scott Hill
Scott Hill

CEO, Piedmont Columbus Regional, Corporate Senior Vice President

Monica Hum, M.D.
Monica Hum, M.D.

CEO, Piedmont Rockdale

David Kent
David Kent

CEO, Piedmont Henry

Lindsey Petrini
Lindsey Petrini

CEO, Piedmont Newton

Stephen Porter
Stephen Porter

CEO, Piedmont Fayette, Corporate Senior Vice President

Lori Rakes
Lori Rakes

CEO, Piedmont Cartersville

Denise Ray
Denise Ray

Chief Nurse Executive & CEO, Piedmont Mountainside

Mike Robertson
Mike Robertson

CEO, Piedmont Newnan

Blake Watts
Blake Watts

CEO, Piedmont Walton


Senior Executive Leadership

Tom Arnold
Tom Arnold

Chief Financial Officer

Douwe Bergsma
Douwe Bergsma

Chief Marketing Officer

Charlie Brown M.D.
Charlie Brown M.D.

CEO, Piedmont Physician Enterprise

Geoff Brown
Geoff Brown

Chief Information Officer

Michelle Fisher
Michelle Fisher

President, Primary Care & Retail Services

Kelly Kerner
Kelly Kerner

Chief Philanthropy Officer

Elizabeth Leddy
Elizabeth Leddy

Chief Legal Officer

Christopher Lloyd
Christopher Lloyd

President, Piedmont Clinic

Mike Mandl
Mike Mandl

Executive Vice President

Moiz Master, M.D.
Moiz Master, M.D.

Chief Medical Officer

Alison Smith
Alison Smith

Chief HR Officer

Jack Tillman
Jack Tillman

Chief Development and Strategic Planning Officer

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