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Continuing Medical Education (CME)

The Continuing Medical Education (CME) program at Piedmont Athens Regional promotes continuous improvement in patient health care by providing physicians and other health care professionals with convenient, high quality, evidence-based educational activities focusing on advances in medicine, medical technology, biomedical research, and changes in the health care environment. Our goal is to improve patient outcomes by enhancing physician knowledge, competence, and performance in practice. We are pleased to offer a variety of learning opportunities throughout the year for physicians and other health care professionals that include Regularly Scheduled Series, annual conferences, and other CME activities.

Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center is accredited by the Medical Association of Georgia to offer AMA PRA Category 1TM continuing medical education for physicians.

Accredited CME Activities

These conferences and other educational activities are presented as a service to physicians and other members of the healthcare team. Please note, we are accredited to award continuing medical education credit for physicians (MD/DO) only. We can provide transcripts upon request for other healthcare professionals who attend our conferences and other CME activities.

Save the Date for our Conferences:

Oct. 12, 2018 | EMS Conference
Topics for this year’s conference were based on the identified needs of the EMS community. The conference format will include didactic lectures, case studies, and question and answer sessions and will feature a dynamic group of speakers selected for their expertise on the topics being presented.

To comply with STARK regulatory requirements, we are now required to collect tuition from NON-AFFILIATED physicians. Tuition will be collected when you register for the conference. 

CME Contact

Linda Groarke, MPH, MSUP | CME Program Manager | (706) 475-7525

Sign up for our email to receive updates.

Continuing Medical Education Committee

Heather Alexander
Director, Quality & Patient Safety, Piedmont Athens Regional

Catherine Apaloo, MD
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Piedmont Athens Regional
Clinical Associate Professor, AU/UGA Medical Partnership

Delena Brockmann
Executive Director, Oconee Health Campus, Piedmont Athens Regional

Ron Cervero, PhD
Associate Vice President for Instruction, University of Georgia College of Education

Mark Ebell MD, MS
Professor of Epidemiology, University of Georgia School of Public Health
Member, US Preventive  Services Task Force

Ronald Forehand, MD
Medical Director, University Health Center, University of Georgia

Linda Groarke
CME Program Manager, Piedmont Athens Regional

Jonathan Murrow, MD
Director of Graduate Medical Education, Piedmont Athens Regional
Piedmont Athens Regional Cardiology
Associate Professor of Medicine, AU/UGA Medical Partnership

Petros Nikolinakos, MD
University Blood and Cancer
Clinical Associate Professor, AU/UGA Medical Partnership

Shelley Nuss, MD
Campus Dean, AU/UGA Medical Partnership

Pam Queen
Medical Librarian, Piedmont Athens Regional

Barbara Schuster, MD
Founding Campus Dean, GRU/UGA Medical Partnership
Professor, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia
Adjunct Professor, UGA College of Public Health

Fred Young, MD
Vice President, Physician Services, Piedmont Athens Regional

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