If you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, don’t fret. These three routines can help you get moving and keep you energized all day.

Writing quiets the mind, increases self-awareness and heals the soul. In fact, research has shown that regular journaling can enhance your immune system, lower your blood pressure, and reduce stress and anxiety. Spend 5 minutes every morning jotting down things you are grateful for. You may be surprised by how happy and optimistic you will feel throughout the day.

Meditation is the act of cultivating “mindful awareness,” which refers to paying attention to and seeing clearly what is happening in our lives. Meditating in the morning can help you feel calm, free your mind from worries and relax. Try this guided meditation exercise to get started.

Intense exercise
Nothing gets your blood pumping like an intense workout. A good morning exercise routine helps your brain release neurotransmitters that promote mental clarity and improve attention span. If you are looking for a great morning workout, consider an anaerobic exercise program.
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