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John Bailey

Head device slows growth of deadly brain tumor

John Bailey’s first indication of a brain tumor was a stroke-like incident. His emergency department physician found a mass on his brain scan, telling Bailey’s wife Bonnie it looked like a brain tumor.

The couple met with a neurosurgeon, who told Bailey he would need surgery. He recommended the couple meet with Piedmont Brain Tumor Center neuro-oncologist Erin Dunbar, M.D., one of the few neuro-oncologists in the state of Georgia.

During the appointment, Dr. Dunbar noticed an asymmetry in Bailey’s face and recommended he get an MRI immediately. The test confirmed Bailey needed intervention, so the Brain Tumor Center acted quickly and scheduled Bailey for surgery to remove his brain tumor the very next day.

Glioblastoma treatment options

After the surgery, Bailey was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a stage IV brain tumor. While glioblastoma is difficult to eliminate completely, surgery can remove a large portion of the tumor and reduce intracranial pressure. Dr. Dunbar explained there were three post-surgery treatment options for this type of cancer:

  •          Chemotherapy
  •          A clinical trial
  •          Optune Therapy (formerly NovoTTF), a continuous electronic brain tumor treatment

“When John was first diagnosed, I went on the internet and did a lot of research,” Bonnie says. “The minute Dr. Dunbar said, ‘Novocure,’ I had done enough research already to know that I wanted him to try it.”

Optune for glioblastoma treatment 

Optune is a device worn on the patient’s head. Electrodes are glued to the scalp and create a current that interferes with the rapid reproductive process of cancer cells. While the device cannot cure glioblastoma, it can slow the progression of cancerous cells.  

“It can certainly minimize [the tumor’s] growth and its long-term effect on me,” Bailey explains.

Care at Piedmont

Knowing the Brain Tumor Center specializes in the treatment of glioblastomas like Bailey’s gives the couple comfort.

“You never think about death until you get told that it’s closer than you might have expected,” says Bonnie. “When you know it is, you do cherish life more – there’s no question.”

To learn more about brain tumor treatment, visit the Piedmont Brain Tumor Center.   

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