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Spiritual Care at Piedmont Henry

The role of Spiritual Care Services at Piedmont Henry Hospital is guided by our commitment to provide a holistic health care experience. The Chaplains of the Spiritual Care Department are part of the total health care team of Piedmont Henry Hospital. The focus of our attention as caregivers is upon the spiritual and emotional needs of patients and family members, as well as the employee, volunteers and physicians of the hospital.

Spiritual Care can play an important role in the healing process and contribute to the wellbeing of patients. The Chaplains of the Spiritual Care Department represent many faiths and are available to be a caring presence, offer spiritual and emotional support, and listen with openness and understanding. Patients, families and staff are encouraged to call a Chaplain when they are experiencing fear, anger, loneliness, anxiety, helplessness, or when they just need to talk to someone. 

Chaplains are available to support all our patients, family members and staff regardless of beliefs and religious affiliation. You do not need to be affiliated with a congregation or faith community to call a Chaplain. If you do belong to a faith community, we will notify them at your request of your presence in the hospital. Your minister, priest, rabbi or other spiritual advisor may visit you or your family member at any time.

Services provided:

  • Religious rituals or sacraments
  • Prayer
  • Referrals to support groups
  • Support with grief, loss, and bereavement for patients and family members
  • Contact and coordination with your home congregation and clergy
  • Lifecycle events including memorial services, weddings and commitment ceremonies, baptisms and blessings
  • Spiritual literature or sacred tests

Other services provided:

  • Support with end of life issues
  • Ethics consultations
  • Spiritual assessment
  • Family support and participation at family-physician conferences
  • Help in interpreting patients' cultural and spiritual needs to staff
  • Advance Directives and advance care planning

We do not provide:



An interfaith chapel is available on the first floor of the South Tower near the main elevators. It is open for prayer, meditation and silent reflection 24/7.  Cards are available for leaving prayers and prayer requests.

Contact a Chaplain

Like medical care, Spiritual Care is 24/7. The hospital's staff chaplain make daily rounds, as well as responding to codes, traumas and patient requests.

You may reach a Chaplain by calling 678-604-1054 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. At all other times, you may reach a Chaplain by dialing "0" from a hospital phone and asking the operator to contact the on-call Chaplain. You may also ask your nurse to contact a Chaplain for you.

Prayers offered for healing and hope:

Advance Directives

The best way for you to be in control of your medical treatment is to record your preferences in advance. You can make legally valid decisions about future medical treatment through an Advance Directive. In completing an Advance Directive, you can do two things: legally appoint someone as your Personal Agent for Health Care to make healthcare decision for you when you cannot speak for yourself and/or formally state your wishes for the medical treatments you do or do not want to receive.

You may request an Advance Directive document during admission, from your nurse, by calling Pastoral Care at 678-604-1054 or Quality Management at 678-604-1056 or there may be some at your nurse’s station. You may also download a copy by clicking on the link below.  

Download the Georgia Advance Directive

If you have made your wishes known, it is our policy to honor a patient's Advance Directive or any other health care directive that meets the requirements of Georgia law. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call the Chaplain.

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