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Walk With A Doc

Walk With A Doc

Walk with a Doc offers opportunities for everyone to "walk and talk" with healthcare professionals. During the walks, health professionals will take five minutes to discuss a health topic and then answer participants’ questions as the group goes for a walk. It’s free and open to everybody – pets included!

Did you know?

  • Walking is the simplest way to effectively improve your heart health.
  • Walking can help burn calories, reduce body fat and slim your waist.
  • Walking can help lower blood pressure and reduce stress. 

Piedmont Atlanta

The next walk is on February 21, 2025, from 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. near Historic Fourth Ward Skate Park. Eastside BeltLine MarketPlace is under overpass.

The address is 850 Willoughby Way NE Atlanta, Georgia 30312 .

  • Check-in and warm-up starts at 9:45 a.m. and the walk begins promptly at 10:10 a.m.
  • The provider attending is Sathish Perumal, M.D..

Register Now


Piedmont Columbus Regional

The next walk is on April 12, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Lakebottom Park. Just look for the Piedmont orange tent.

The address is 1505 Cherokee Avenue Columbus, Ga 31901.

Register Now


Ready To Start Walking?

To register, call 877-527-3712.

Why are we doing this program?

We want to give back to our communities. The program allows participants to talk about health outside an office setting and get one-on-one time with a health professional. We want to walk the talk! 

Piedmont App

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  • Directions
  • Indoor Hospital Navigation
  • Find & Save Physicians
  • Online Scheduling

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