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Center of Excellence for Pancreatitis and Pancreas Cancer

Welcome to our Center of Excellence for Pancreatitis and Pancreas Cancer, where we provide state-of-the-art care to patients with this challenging disease. Our team of world-class specialists is dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of pancreatitis and pancreas cancer.

At Piedmont Oncology, the first step in treating pancreatic cancer is to get an accurate diagnosis. While there are no practical tests for the early detection of pancreas cancer, our multidisciplinary team of oncologists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, radiologists, radiation specialists and pathologists are dedicated to finding the right treatment plan, and helping you navigate every step of your journey.

Center of Excellence for Pancreatitis and Pancreas Cancer

The Andrew Page Pancreas Cancer Fund

The Andrew Page Pancreas Cancer Fund was created by Nancy Lyle, a grateful patient who wanted to ensure others facing pancreas cancer receive the support, education, and hope they deserve. Your donation helps sustain Nancy's legacy through impactful programs like patient ambassadors, groundbreaking research, and resources for those in need—bringing help and healing to patients today and in the future. Donate now to make a difference.

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The Andrew Page Pancreas Cancer Fund

Additional Resources

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

PanCan improves the lives of everyone impacted by pancreatic cancer by advancing scientific research, building community, sharing knowledge, and advocating for patients.

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Purple Pansies

Purple Pansies offers immediate support to individuals and families affected by pancreatic cancer while funding research and clinical trials to conquer it.

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National Pancreas Foundation

The National Pancreas Foundation provides hope for those suffering from pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.

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American Cancer Society

Signs and Symptoms of pancreatic cancer from the American Cancer Society.

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NCCN Education Booklet for Patients

National Comprehensive Cancer Network patient education about pancreatic cancer.

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The Whipple Procedure | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Patient education on a common procedure for pancreatic cancer.

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Helpful Information

Read our Living Real Change articles for more information about breast cancer, mammograms and early detection.

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