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Local Fourth Graders Get Inside Look at Hospital During Career Day

Cartersville, Ga. (January 24, 2025) – Piedmont Cartersville Medical Center recently welcomed two local fourth grade students from Cartersville Elementary School for a job-shadowing and career day. Led by Josh Turner, Manager of OR Operations at Piedmont Cartersville, Carson Cox and Noah Fisher, learned about Piedmont Cartersville’s surgical robotics program, and got to test drive one of the robots used in minimally-invasive surgeries.

“Getting to see and use the surgery robot was the coolest part,” said Noah. “I feel like I would be good at using it with some practice. It was kind of like a real-life video game.”

As part of their class assignment, Carson and Noah were required to interview healthcare personnel and record responses in preparation for a class review the following week. They met with hospital administrators, Lindsay Gard, CFO at Piedmont Cartersville, and Phoebe Stieber, Executive Director of Hospital Operations, to learn about their roles at the hospital. Amanda Owens, Director of Patient Access, also met with Carson and Noah to show them how patient access helps check in patients and guide them to the right areas for their procedures.

“All of the people were so nice,” Noah commented. “Ms. Lindsay and Ms. Amanda were very nice and told me all about their jobs.”

After touring the hospital, using a surgical robot and interviewing leaders, the students were asked whether they would be interested in the healthcare role as a future career.

“My favorite part was seeing the robot, and it has made me consider a career in healthcare,” said Carson.

The two fourth graders are children of employees at Piedmont Healthcare. Carson’s father, Hunter Cox, is a System Manager, Productivity Analysis, for Piedmont and Noah’s father, Matt Fisher, is the System Director for Piedmont’s Customer Solutions Center. After their experience, maybe one day the boys will follow in their dad’s footsteps and work in healthcare as well.

To learn more about Piedmont Cartersville, visit

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